Government Learning: An Overview
by Lloyd S. Etheredge
[Originally published in Samuel L. Long (Ed.), The Handbook of
Political Behavior (NY: Plenum Press, 1981), vol. 2, pp. 73-161.]
- Introduction (pp. 1-5).
- A Model for Theory Development: Medical Diagnosis Capability
- Overview and a Preliminary Caution
- Defining Learning (pp. 6-18).
- Types of Individual Learning
- Organizational Learning
- Learning Agendas
- Normative Issues (pp. 19-21).
- Trends (pp. 22-24).
- Motivation and Cognition - Individual Bases (pp. 25-64).
- Three Images of Individual Learning
- Fixed Behavior and Thought Patterns
- Fixed Emotional Drives
- Limited and Fixed Abilities and Intelligence
- Fixed Personality Structure and Dynamics
- General Observations
- Passive Reactive Models of Human Learning
- The Theory of Context Embeddedness
- "Will This Be on an Exam?"
- The Necessity for Leadership
- Imitation of High-Status People
- Avoiding Unpleasantness
- Cross Reward System Interference
- General Observations
- Active Learning-Developmental Theories
- The Prediction of Semiconfused Thinking
- The Prediction of Massively Underutilized Capacity
- The Need for Optimum Conflict
- The Need for Outside Perspectives
- Usable Memory as a Basis for Autonomy
- General Observations
- Selected Additional Issues
- Induced Blockages and Aversions
- Stress
- Aversive Motivations
- Resistances to Rethinking after Personal and Public Commitment
- General Emotional Issues
- Unconscious Motivation
- Action Mood Theories
- Cognitive Process Modeling
- Physiology of Knowledge and Learning
- Organizational Structure and Dynamics (pp. 65-77).
- "Smart" Organization theory
- Organizational Memory
- Qualitative Differences of Public Bureaucracies
- Intelligence Functions and Decision-Making Processes
- The Washington Political Environment (pp. 78-84).
- The Structure of Time in Washington
- Lobbying
- Accountability and Review Systems: Legitimacy Trade-Offs
- News Media Effects
- Uniqueness and Self-Transforming Capacity
- Societal, World, and Historical Contexts (pp. 85-88).
- Truth Theory
- Secularization and Orthodoxy Theories
- Government Learning: A Dependent Variable?
- Problem Types (pp. 89-94).
- No Problem
- Technology- Dependent Problems
- Resource-Dependent Problems
- Known-Answer Problems
- Unproductively Conceptualized Problems
- Problems Amenable to Full Scientific Method
- Strong-Norm-System Problems
- Pluralist, Low-Norm-Salience or Rapid-Change Problems
- Forecasting with Uncertain Precedents
- Problems Unanswerable or Unposable from Brain Constraints
- Secrecy Penetration Problems
- Different People and Different Cultures Problems
- Time-Constraint Problems
- Incoherent-Policy Problems
- Diagnostic Repertoires (pp. 95-96).
- Overview
- Illustrative Individual Diagnoses
- Concluding Observations (pp. 97-102).
- The Design of Institutional-Memory Capabilities
- Increasing Effective Transitions and Competence of Political Appointees
- Quality of Watchdog and Critic Systems
- Dependency Theory of Motivational Blockage
- Good Judgment
- Overload and How to Cope
- The Critique of Ideology and Overconfidence
- References (pp. 103-125).
This page was last updated on March 17, 2001.